Monday, July 27, 2020

Choosing the Right Essay Topics

<h1>Choosing the Right Essay Topics</h1><p>There are a few interesting points while picking Media Violence Essay Topics. You will need to ensure the point you pick is pertinent to the school you are applying to. Additionally, ensure you check with your school's HR office to check whether they have any rules about what isn't satisfactory on expositions. On the off chance that you need to stand out enough to be noticed, it will help in the event that you can show the schools the paper you will submit will be instructive and informative.</p><p></p><p>Media Violence Essay Topics ought to have a proposal explanation toward the start of the article. You will likewise need to discover a subject that has some kind of human intrigue, or will draw in some sort of consideration. You ought to likewise have the option to identify with the theme however much as could reasonably be expected in light of the fact that you might have the option to increase a c andidate to take your class.</p><p></p><p>One of the best paper subjects for media savagery is on the impacts of computer games. Computer games have gotten progressively rough since their presentation into the commercial center. In any case, numerous individuals can't identify with this point, and numerous gamers don't comprehend why they ought to care.</p><p></p><p>On the other hand, numerous grown-ups feel that the computer game brutality is gaining out of power and that guardians must take care of business. They feel that computer games are not, at this point an a piece of cake, however that they should be directed to secure youthful personalities. This is an extraordinary point since it can disclose to understudies why computer games are destructive to society, and why guardians need to take action.</p><p></p><p>One of the most widely recognized types of media savagery article themes includes the implication s of viciousness in films and TV programs. Numerous guardians concur that it isn't right to open kids to brutality consistently. In any case, they contend that fierce TV programs and motion pictures are essential for diversion, and guardians don't reserve the privilege to mention to their kids what to watch and how to think.</p><p></p><p>One of the most exceedingly terrible types of media brutality article themes is the subject that incorporates the assault of ladies. Numerous understudies feel that it is totally unsatisfactory for a man to act like a lady should. They feel that the world needn't bother with another realistic portrayal of assault, and numerous ladies feel the equivalent way.</p><p></p><p>Another basic type of media savagery article subjects includes realistic delineations of genuine wrongdoings. These regularly include viciousness against ladies, youngsters, and different creatures. For whatever length of time that the wrongdoing delineated in the exposition isn't an abhor wrongdoing, you will be fine.</p><p></p><p>The most significant thing to recall when composing an exploration paper is that you don't need to acknowledge the entirety of the realities introduced by the writer, particularly when the writer has decided to remember savage violations for their article. Likewise, you ought to consistently ensure that you have checked the realities that were introduced. You ought to consistently ensure that the individual who arranged the article is able to expound regarding the matter matter.</p>

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What Topics to Do an Argumentative Essay On

What Topics to Do an Argumentative Essay OnWhen writing an argumentative essay, it is important to know the topics to do an argumentative essay on. It may seem like a lot of work and really isn't, but the truth is that the topics you research will make all the difference in the written piece. Your readers will be more able to appreciate what you have to say, and they will be able to determine whether or not your arguments are well thought out.If you want to know how to write an argumentative essay, then you should take the time to research the topic. Knowing what is commonly thought of as being an argument will help you determine if the topic is a good fit for you. By knowing what's been considered an argument, you can then start to write your article based on that assumption.Arguments often come from certain situations or ideas that have been argued. For example, you might hear someone argue that there are no economic issues to consider when voting. If you notice this kind of argume nt, you will be able to determine the argument that is being made. This will allow you to write a better article if you know the topic to do an argumentative essay on it.Arguments can also come from common misconceptions. For example, if you watch a show where everyone throws around words like 'pragmatic'idealistic,' you can take that common misconception and use it as an argumentative essay point. Often, there are certain words used in certain circumstances that can be used to argue a certain point of view. Knowing the topic to do an argumentative essay on these words will help you make sure that your article is grounded in fact and not opinion.You can also use arguments to prove certain points about the topics to do an argumentative essay on. As an example, if youare writing an essay about how companies don't need an employee benefits plan. Then you can say that if that company wanted the benefits plan, they would have done so anyway. This will provide evidence to the reader of th e fact that it is impossible for companies to be without the employee benefits plan.Arguments can also come from a personal experience. For example, if you are trying to prove that two groups have different characteristics, and one group has more members than the other, then you can make an argument from that experience. This can provide evidence to the reader as to why you think that they have the different characteristics.Arguments are often used in arguing points of view. The argument could be based on the beliefs of the individual, or it could be based on the viewpoints of a group. It can even be based on the testimony of one individual to another. Knowing the topic to do an argumentative essay on these types of arguments can help you determine how to best defend your arguments to the reader.With all the topics to do an argumentative essay on, you should find a topic that you really enjoy. You can enjoy researching that topic and making sure that you cover all the bases that you need to. This way, you will get the most out of your argumentative essay, and the essay will be well researched and well written.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Optimal Checkout Process for Online Stores

Optimal Checkout Process for Online Stores © | RedshinestudioAn optimized and easy to use checkout process is vital to achieving successful sales on an online store. In this article, we will look at: 1) basic checkout process and flow, 2) tips for developing an optimal checkout process, and 3) examples of successful checkout processes.BASIC CHECKOUT PROCESS AND FLOWWhile designing a website for an e-commerce store, it is important to keep the layout accessible, easy to navigate and ensure that there are no extra steps or clutter. The cleaner the interface and the steps involved to finalizing purchases, the more likely a customer is to finish their transaction and return.One of the key elements to the online shopping experience is the checkout process. If the rest of the site is perfectly designed and the checkout system complicated, it will render the good parts useless. Ensuring ease of use during the checkout process is not an easy task as this is a complex process with a significant number of functions. T hough the checkout process technically begins past the shopping cart view, the shopping cart itself is also a key element in the flow and needs to be considered with the rest. The basic functions of key elements in the checkout process are given below.Shopping CartThe shopping cart performs some basic functions such as:Itemized view of products in the cartModifications to items in the cartSwitch back to the website to continue shoppingLeaving the cart to complete purchaseReviewing PurchasesThis page typically follows the shopping cart and displays the same information for the customer to go through. Information provided here usually includes the name and description of the product along with the price, number of items and total cost. The costs are per item as well as the total cost with tax, and often shipping charges, included.Account Sign-InOften, an e-commerce store may ask the customer to create an account or sign-in to an existing one before they can proceed further. It is a gr eat idea to keep this step optional to allow the customer to go through checkout with fewer steps if they chose. It is important to keep the flow clean to ensure that customers do not abandon the shopping cart midway.Shipping and Payment InformationOnce past the review page, the customer now needs to provide shipping and payment information. The form the customer needs to fill in here should be clear and simple with instructions for any common input errors.Purchase ConfirmationOnce all the information is collected, there is usually one last review and confirmation page where the customer can review final total costs and items. Once confirmed, it is good practice to send the customer an email with order number and details for tracking the package through shipping.TIPS FOR DEVELOPING AN OPTIMAL CHECKOUT PROCESSThough not a simple process to design, the positive results gained from a clean and simple checkout process are too many to be ignored. By spending some time creating a seamless user experience, an online store can ensure that customers remain happy, and sales continue to happen successfully. Some basic steps can help a store owner design an optimal checkout process.Don’t Force Registration: As mentioned briefly, the registration process can become a tricky one for an online store. It is important to ensure that registration is suggested at the right point in the purchase flow. It should come at some point during checkout and not before. Since the registration form requires time and effort, the customer may be put off by the extra steps. The potential barrier to purchase should be placed much further in the process because the customer is more committed to the purchase then and even during checkout, the registration should be an option not a necessity.Explain Information Requirements: In the registration form, there should not be extra fields asking for seemingly useless or irrelevant information. If such information is requested, the reasons behind it s hould be communicated clearly to the customer.Be Clear About Item Availability: There should be minimal steps for the customer in order to know whether an item is available or not. Instead, availability information should be clearly mentioned on the product page and also preferably in search result pages. If the item is to be restocked, the date for this should be mentioned, and if possible, a pre-order option made available.Let Customers Modify Orders Easily: People often change their mind about certain items or decide to make minor or major changes to their order. In addition, often during review of the items in the shopping cart, an error can be identified by the customer perhaps in size or color. These modifications should be easy to make and should not become a source of frustration for the customer. A remove or edit button is the best option for this.Ensure That Support is Readily Available: Often, it is a good idea to go beyond a help or an FAQ page. Instead, if possible, tel ephone assistance or a chat option can help speed up problem resolution for the customer.Make Sure that the Back Button is Functional: The back button available on browsers is an oft used function by most people. Often websites will neglect to take this into account and either fail to save information or give an error. If the back button is used, any information entered should be updated and saved, and the previous page should be displayed without error.Use Clear Instructions: Any buttons or links should be labeled clearly and their function easy to understand. For example, instead of a button saying ‘continue’ there should be one that says ‘continue shopping’ or ‘continue to checkout’. These little steps help avoid confusion and additional steps.Ensure All Product Details in the Shopping Cart: At the shopping cart view and item review pages, there should be details of the products selected. These details should include the item name, a description, a thumbnail photo, si ze, color or other details as well as a link to the item page on the website.A Progress Indicator is a Good Idea: Since there are various steps involved in the checkout process, it is a good idea to keep the customer updated on how far they have to go. This will ensure that there is less confusion and more of a sense of control for the customer. A progress indicator bar can be designed in various ways but should clearly show where the customer is and where they have to go.Provide a Link Back to Continue Shopping: A customer may check their total purchase amount or review their items and decide to add more to the cart. For such cases, it is a good idea to provide a clear link to get back to the main website to continue shipping.Ensure That the Checkout Interface is Simple: Though the entire online store should be clean and simple in its appearance with no clutter anywhere, the checkout process needs to achieve this more than anywhere else. The checkout pages should not be cluttered w ith extra information such as product categories, special offers, related items, etc. these may just distract the customer from completing the process.Keep Customer on the Checkout Page: If the customer needs any additional information such as a shipping process and expected delivery date, it is a good idea to work this into the checkout page. If the customer is redirected, there is a chance of distraction or confusion. Other options for providing this information can be a pop-up window or a new tab.Show Shopping Cart At All Times: Many websites show the shopping cart on the side as the customer continues to shop. This eliminates the need to keep moving to a separate page to keep track of purchases in a cart. Technically, it may be easier to avoid this step, but it makes a lot of difference in improving user experience.Be Clear About Errors: While filling out shipping or billing information, any errors should be highlighted clearly so that the customer does not have to go looking fo r the error. In addition, there should be concise explanations on how to fix the error to avoid frustration.Offer Gift Wrapping or Add Message Options: Most good websites offer the customer the option for sending a gift wrapped item to someone. This is a particularly good idea close to major holidays but should not be limited to such events onlyProvide Clear Instructions on Entering Coupon or Special Offer Codes: Before final review, there should be a place to enter coupon or offer codes and the resulting page should reflect changes to the final bill for the customer.Be Clear About Shipping Costs and Delivery Times: Customers have to wait to receive their products during the online shopping experience as it is. To make sure this wait remains painless it is necessary to clearly inform the customer when they should expect their purchase to arrive. In addition, there should be no confusion in shipping costs and all information should be provided clearly.Communicate Next Steps: A good c heckout experience will leave the customer with a clear understanding of what is to happen next. This could mean a thank you and a note to tell them that an email with all the details is being sent to them. Additionally, if the customer can cancel or modify an order before the items are shipped, this information should be communicated at this point.Send Confirmation Email: It is a good idea to send a confirmation email with all the order information as well as the delivery time estimate. Other crucial information is the order reference number to track the package or in case of a problem with items.Optimize Checkout for Mobile Devices: Increasingly, it is becoming imperative to ensure that an online store and the checkout process are both optimized for not only a computer but also a variety of mobile devices. There are statistics to show that as many as 88% of customers trying to shop via smartphone have a negative user experience. This is a troubling statistic because more people ar e turning to browsing and consequently making purchases directly from their mobile devices such as smartphones or pads. These people most often have trouble with navigation, product images that are too small and an inconvenient process for checkout.Provide Multiple Payment Options: The more options users have for payment, the higher the likelihood of them completing their purchase on an online store. It should be easy for customers to pay using common payment solutions and methods. PayPal is a necessity because people tend to view it as secure and convenient. In addition, there should be security assurances for different kinds of credit and debit cards. EXAMPLES OF SUCCESSFUL CHECKOUT PROCESSESArmando Roggio, a contributing editor for the website Practical E-commerce and the director for marketing and e-commerce for a multi-channel retail chain, took a look at some of the main checkout features of several leading e-commerce websites. His aim was to use these brands to highlight the right way of to finish an e-commerce transaction.Through his evaluation, he realized that not all of them used accepted best practices in their processes but manage to provide a good checkout process despite this. So in some cases, companies and experts may differ in the right way of doing things.The Case StudiesRoggio considered some of the major online stores for his evaluation. These include Amazon, Best Buy, Apple, Dell, Walmart, Macy’s, Office Depot, Office Max, Sears, and Staples. He went to each site on the same day with the intention of assessing how fast he could go from picking a product to completing the purchase.As expected, most of the e-commerce retailers used the same process flow for their checkout. This process is somewhat standard across all e-commerce websites. After picking a product (including size, color, design or other relevant criteria), the item is added to the shopping cart, billing shipping information provided along with contact and payment informatio n and finally order confirmation is received.The two areas where the chosen websites stood out were the ability to continue shopping and the registration process.Continue Shopping: All of these retailers specifically emphasized the option to continue shopping. Previously, the trend had been to offer a link to continue shopping on the checkout page but keep this small and text only. The intention was to allow users the option of easily switching back to the website, but not distract them and risk leading to shopping cart abandonment. In the case of the websites under review, the common factor in most cases was a pop-up style window that allows customers to either continue to checkout or keep shopping with both buttons clearly visible. Other related information is also made available such as on the Sears and Walmart websites, the pop-up window also informs customers of how close they are to reaching the free shipping amount with their purchase. Walmart also provides links to related o r complementary items.Meaningful Registration: Amazon was the only one of the reviewed websites that required registration to complete the purchase. Though this is often discouraged in best practices for successful checkout processes, Amazon manages to succeed despite this because the website makes the registration worthwhile. An Amazon Prime user can make purchases with just a single click which is extremely fast, simple and convenient. Conversely, navigation without logging in takes as many as five clicks without considering the clicks between form fields.The websites that did not require registration required as many as five to eight clicks apart from those between form fields. When registered and logged in, these steps were reduced in every case. So though registration is not mandatory, it does provide a better user experience for the customer. These websites took the time to explain benefits for registration such as Sears, which gives four clear benefits of registering.Faster C heckoutEasy Access to order history and checklistsOption to manage multiple accounts with one login such as Sears, Kmart, etc.Personalized shopping with a chance to save on items of interest.These benefits are clearly mentioned on the same page as the log in option. Macy’s also offers customers the option to checkout using the express option or the guest checkout. By using the express checkout, the customer can bypass several steps and move to the final transaction faster.These leading e-commerce giants had the same checkout flow as most other online stores. They however emphasize more on adding further items to the basket and most likely encourage registration more than other websites.A good checkout experience is about ensuring that there are fewer distractions for the customer and that there is ample information available in a concise way to help the customer smooth transition through the checkout stages. The easier and quicker the checkout process is, the quicker a sale will b e closed and finalized. This in turn will mean a satisfied customer who is more likely to return.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Da Vinci Code Book Review

<h1>Da Vinci Code Book Review</h1><p>When individuals think about an investigation control for the Da Vinci Code, one of the primary things that strike a chord is the EzineArticles Book Review test paper. While the book may not be what a great many people would think about a reading material, it will give data in an extremely basic and brief way. On the off chance that you are searching for a little assistance with finishing a printed version school paper, the Da Vinci Code book could be only the thing you need.</p><p></p><p>The book gives numerous tips and proposals to assist you with overcoming your assignments just as enhance your evaluations. This is going to assist you with getting increasingly arranged for the entirety of your classes and different tests that you may have all through the year.</p><p></p><p>The Da Vinci Code book accompanies a simple to follow study guide and learning methods that will give you al l that you have to pro your first time composing an exposition. You will have the option to float through your work without sitting around idly considering approaches to appropriately spell the words or brainstorming troublesome and muddled definitions for the test materials. You should simply follow the suggested and bit by bit guidelines gave inside the book.</p><p></p><p>The book gives incredible direction in a progression of exercises that attention on making an article increasingly meaningful by utilizing the CSS, edges, text situating, pictures, table and even a chapter by chapter list. There are numerous apparatuses and practices included inside the book that will ensure that your task is done well the first run through. This is an extraordinary method to guarantee that you can compose a decent exposition on your first try.</p><p></p><p>The book additionally shows you the topic procedure that will assist you with assembling a su bject and a gathering of subjects that identify with your paper point. A portion of the themes that are talked about incorporate the feelings, realities, general information, and governmental issues of individuals, all things considered. By getting a decent handle on these themes, you will have the option to completely comprehend the substance that you are composing on.</p><p></p><p>With respects to article composing, there are a couple of tips that you should observe when you are utilizing the Da Vinci Code survey. You ought to figure out how to utilize CSS for your potential benefit so as to make a pleasant appearance for your article. Utilizing CSS will permit you to make any part of your article clear and simple to read.</p><p></p><p>The last tip that you will need to observe is to recall that the code inside the Da Vinci Code book will possibly work on the off chance that you hold fast to the rules given. They may appear to be ove rpowering from the start however you will before long comprehend the guidelines and guidelines that are instituted. When you have the guide retained, you will feel sure about your abilities.</p><p></p><p>When you are searching for a guide for an exposition, the Da Vinci Code book could be only the thing you need. It gives you an extraordinary method to get arranged and prepared just because when you are confronted with composing an article of any kind.</p>